HerobrineCraft 1.6.4 Resource Pack

This resource pack is abandoned and likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft.

HerobrineCraft is a resource pack themed after the mythical Herobrine character, famed in the online Minecraft community. This resource pack fills the game with Herobrine themed elements. Most of the visuals of the game are the exact same, but gamers will find the Herobrine elements when they interact with NPCs, animals, or mobs. All of these game elements have been changed to look like Herobrine. You will find the glowing white eyes on every living creature, watching you as you make the next move. This is a resource pack for the true Minecraft community and pop-culture fans. For those that love Herobrine and want to see his appearance more often within the Minecraft world, be sure to load up this simple resource pack to change your game.

HerobrineCraft compatible versions:
  • 1.6.4
  • 1.6.2

HerobrineCraft — Screenshots & Video

HerobrineCraft — Installation Guide

We recommended pre-install the Optifine Mod, without it some features of HerobrineCraft may not working.
  1. Download this resource pack. – You should download a ZIP file
  2. Now launch Minecraft and go to Options. – Make sure to open Minecraft: Java Edition
  3. Click on the “Resource Packs…” button.
  4. Drag and drop downloaded ZIP file into Minecraft window.
  5. The new resource pack should be in your “Available” list of packs.

Something You Should Know

  • We do not download and upload any resource pack on our server.
  • We use only links from the official author, they are 100% safe.
  • We do not modify or edit the files in any way.
  • Matthewpopcorn is the creator and designer of HerobrineCraft Resource Pack


  1. Avatar for alec

    i cant get the texturepack

  2. Avatar for hai

    the page is missing

  3. Avatar for alfredo

    To make videos jeje

  4. Avatar for Justaminecraftplayer

    the true herobrine story is this:once upon a time there are one steve and one herobrine the one is steve with reg eyes and herobrine no eyes in one server when steve saw herobrine steve say to herobrine (yelling) check this guy no eyes (other guys: yeah he look ugly) so herobrine decided to go home suddenly steve comes out of nowhere and killed herobrine and when a girl that look like herobrine just come and help herobrine when the girl got home she healed herobrine and give half of shes power and herobrine got this (abilities:Teleportation,light speed,lightning book,and last but least he’s knife the diamond knife) and start killing all the minecrafters and become an legend) this is true and not fake if you do not belive then scram

  5. Avatar for mystery

    i got the pack but it didn’t change anything. Does anybody else have this problem?

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